Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Naming Our School

I have been thinking for the past couple of hours about what we could name our homeschool. You know, for when we want to incorporate a mascot and for our letterhead. Well, maybe it is really because I didn't feel like teaching today and this was a good way to waste some time. Yep.

Anyway, while searching the web for some inspiration I came across this website that has a school name generator. Try it out, it was fun and entertaining.

Some of my favorite names from that generator:
The Useful Prep School of Weird Children - This one probably describes most schools, public and private, because aren't all children just a bit weird. It gave me a chuckle. Then I saw The Freaky Boarding School of Beautiful Education. I don't have anything to add to that, it is a pretty great name, haha. Another name I enjoyed because it is basically exactly what a homeschool is, that is The Complete Boarding School. But my absolute favorite was The Over-Whelmed School, this encompasses everything about our school right now. I doubt that will ever change.

So other than something simple like School, I cannot think of anything real catchy to name our school. What are your ideas? If you homeschool and named your school, what is your name? 

The more I think about it, I might just name it The Experiment.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September Menu and Diet

I realize that I have not posted our September menu plan, nor have I said much about our diet in about a month. To be honest, the diet has not been going well. But I have managed to only have 1, maybe 2, sodas since the end of July. Not too shabby.

I weighed in this morning and am just holding steady, which obviously means I need to be working out. Boo. I am not sure when the man last weighed in, so his update will have to wait until next time.

Speaking of working out, our family met up with friends from church (visit Smithfield church of Christ) at the park last night and walked a mile. The girls loved being outside and we had a great time visiting while walking. Mr. Man enjoyed it so much that he is already looking forward to doing it again next week and we are going to walk again tonight with just our family. Did I tell you that he signed up for a 5K that is coming up soon? More motivation to get out and walk so he can condition himself prior to the 5K.

I did make a menu plan for September and have kinda, sorta stuck to it. I even planned out breakfast and lunch for the first week. Hoping that next month I will be able to add more planned meals to the calendar.

It looks pretty similar to last month, but that is okay since I am still new to this. My goal each month is to find economical meals to make that are also healthy, or at least healthier than delivery pizza. Mmmm pizza.

Well now that I am hungry for pizza, I should probably get the big girl and I some lunch.

How are your getting healthy goals coming along? Hopefully better than ours!


Monday, September 9, 2013

Our Very First Day of Co-Op

This past Friday was our first day to participate in our homeschool co-op. My big little girl A was so excited to be going to co-op, just like she has been excited about all things related to school. I think we got us an academic on her hands; time will tell.

We got her all set up with a princess backpack and a Hello Kitty lunchbox and then the obligatory 'first day of school' pictures. Here's one:

It feels like there should be some catchy title to it about being smart, or filling her brain full of new facts, or something more witty than I am this morning. What it really is was her sassing us with "The sun is in my eyes!" Wonder if we can get her to reenact this picture for the rest of her school years?

We tried a few more times and got some normal looking ones, with the sun still in her eyes. You will be relieved to know that she survived the first day of school pictures and I think she will only be slightly scarred, not enough to warrant any concern. Here's another:
Of course we could have turned her the other direction, but then the sun would have been in our eyes, and that just cannot be. 

There is a daycare behind our house and a chain link fence where the kids will occasionally line up and watch us and our shenanigans. This day was no exception. By the time we were done taking pictures there were a few little kids staring and wondering what in the world those crazy parents are doing. Big girl waved at them and off we went to jump in the car and head to co-op.
The first day of co-op went quite well, to me. She really enjoyed getting to be in a room of 20 pre-schoolers. I think the teachers made it through too. That is a lot of 3 to 5 year old kids in one room. Each class lasted 55 minutes and she had Pre-School Language Arts, Discovery Science, Little Artists, and Sing & Play. Oh and little baby girl had her own nursery class she spent the day in with 4 other littles. 

I was assigned to help in each of the girls' classes throughout the day, starting with the nursery and going back and forth. I enjoyed getting to help with all those sweet kids and their wonderful teachers, and getting to watch big little girl in action. Those pre-school kids are fun and chaotic and more fun. Some of them had been in this same co-op last year and knew what to expect, but it looked like quite a few of them were new to this like we are. They all did so well considering it was new to them. My favorite moment of the day was when one little boy proclaimed to me "I drink my bath water!" How I did not bust up laughing, I do not know! Terribly cute. In the classes that I helped with there was a good mixture of learning and playing time. Of course by the 4th period, most of the kids were done for the day so it was a little more difficult to keep their attention. And there were a lot of awesome toys in the room to get their attention. 

On the way home I was asking her all about her day. "Did you like having mommy help in your class?" "No. You need to teach your own class and not come in mine." "Why?" "Because when all the girls were quiet, YOU talked." Gasp! I'm so terrible! Oh, my little girl is growing up. 

We are already looking forward to next Friday. The ladies that organize this co-op are doing a fantastic job of setting up all the classes and keeping things rolling along quite well. I think there were over 100 kids plus most of their mommies, and one daddy. My husband graciously offered to teach a class our first semester, so it is nice to get to see him there too. He is a natural when it comes to teaching. He is teaching the older kids and I know he'll do a fantastic job.

Hope you are having a wonderful day so far!


Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Basics of our Homeschool

I think I may finally be getting my head wrapped around this huge undertaking. I need to find some time this weekend to finish setting up our homeschool room, again, and then I do believe we will be hitting the books beginning this Monday.

For now I wanted to share with you my goals for our first year of preschool and our general schedule that we will be attempting to follow. All so that this girl can get her learning on.

I had a moment of clarification a couple of weeks ago and it took so much stress off of me in just a matter of seconds. I was knee deep in opened tabs on my browser, trying to jam entirely too much information into my brain when it hit me, I have a goal. A real true goal. A goal that we can so meet. We do not need to build the house this first year, we only need to set the foundation. With that said, our main goal this year is to get the girl used to homeschool, oh and this mom too. Do-a-ble! The other goals will be to teach her to recognize and write her letters and numbers, memorize some Scriptures, learn some sight words, and learn to enjoy learning. Our goals will most likely change and be added to as we progress, which is okay.

Once I figured out what my big goal was, I was able to decide on some curriculum I found online from three different sources and I will be piecing those together to make it into what I believe the girl will respond to. It will take a little extra planning and time each week than what I had hoped, but I think this will work best for us at this time.

With a curriculum in mind, I was able to write out a daily schedule. Currently, it is the plan to homeschool Monday through Thursday and then go to co-op on Friday. If we are not feeling it any specific day, then we just won't do school, no biggie. Flexibility is key. Also, this is absolutely not going to be an all day thing, we'll work on it when we can through out the day and keep the activities short and simple.

The schedule, so far, will begin with a prayer and we will move on from there. I hope to make a cute little schedule I can post on the wall with graphics that she will be able to follow. When I get that done, I will be sure to share it with you. But here is what I have so far:

  • Prayer
  • Pledge
  • Calendar work
  • Bible class
  • Alphabet work
  • Reading
  • Sight word work
  • Snack break
  • Number work
  • Shapes and colors work
  • Games or Art
  • Clean up

I guess we will see if all of this planning works out or if it just goes by the wayside in a couple of days. Either way, it has been a learning process for me and I feel just a little bit better about what we are about to do. Now I still have my moments where I don't think we will be able to do this, but I am trying to push through those.

Hope everyone's school year has started out as you hoped, whether you are homeschooling or not. I would love to hear how you prepare things from year to year!
