Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wash it out!

I "googled" something I never would have thought about looking up until today. 'How to get Vicks Vapor Rub out of hair?'


You may not have known this, vapor rub does not wash out of hair very well at all.

Last night, little girl A is sitting on her bed calling for her mommy. When daddy went to check on her I hear "Honey, you might want to see this!", which I think was followed by "You have a big mess to clean up." Well, I am thinking worst case scenario here, and since she has been potty trained for a year now this was not going to be good for her... or me. I go in there and she is covered in Baby Vicks Vapor Rub. There were big clumps of it all over her clothes, her arms, her hair, her bed, and her hand was still in the jar. (I should have taken a picture!)

So, not worst case, which was good.

Another positive, it cleared up her sinuses...and everyone else's in the house.

We, yes we, he helped even after saying I had a mess to clean up, got the girl cleaned and gave her a bath. Funny thing, her hair just looked like it was never going to dry and when she woke up in the morning it still looked wet. This stuff does not come out of hair!

I tried washing her hair again today, to no avail. Which led me to your friendly neighborhood Google search and a couple websites saying to wash hair in de-greasing dish soap and warm water. Well, why not? Here's hoping this works!

It did not.

Maybe I need to go and buy some Dawn tomorrow, that and baking soda. Baking soda was a suggestion from a friend tonight after Bible class. Hopefully something will work or it will eventually just wash out on its own.

Do you have any ideas, other than Dawn dish soap and baking soda?


For now, sweet girl's hair looks wet and greasy, which is apparently a very 'pullable' look. She was getting her hair pulled by her little sister who looks like she was really quite enjoying it.


  1. It'll grow out eventually. She won't go to college with greasy hair.

  2. Here are some ideas:

    I'd start with the soak-in-oil/shampoo treatment, using olive oil or whatever you've got on hand.

    1. Awesome, thank you! I might just start with the oil/shampoo idea since that means I won't have to make a trip to the store.
