Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bacon Flavored...


Yes, that is right, bacon flavored baby formula courtesy of J&D's. What could one possibly say against something so delicious being made available for the toothless population of our society? Why would we be so selfish as to keep the yummy flavor of bacon all to ourselves? I am sure that is what was really going on in the minds of the inventors and creators of 'Bacon Baby'. You know that someone who loves bacon enough to make a business out of it would be kind-hearted enough to want to share that goodness with the most precious beings in our care.

Here is an excerpt from J&D's website explaining how they made the formula and the benefits that your baby may gain from their bacon formula:
So we consulted with pediatricians and began to experiment with drying and grinding bacon into a fine powder, then applying a patent-pending process to concentrate this powder into the most essential nutrients and ingredients for brain development. This potential infant superfood was then added to a test subject’s infant formula. 
The results were absolutely impressive.  By the age of 4 months, our test subject started to exhibit some amazing abilities including walking and talking. By 6 months of age, she could read and memorize her early stage children's books and showed an extreme level of coordination and balance – so much so that she was enrolled in gymnastics and ballet with children 5 years older than she was! At two years old, she read her first 300 page book, memorized the Declaration of Independence and (this is absolutely true) began composing her first symphony. And at three years old, on a secret test track in Beaverton, OR, she ran faster than a baby cheetah. Nike immediately signed her to a (very) long-term endorsement deal.
Before I blogged about this I really wanted to try it out on our newest addition. While she is already older than 4 months, I thought with such results if I started her on it now there is no telling what she might accomplish before her 2nd birthday. She could find the cure for all the cancers in the world, if I can just get my hands on this formula! But it looks like we are going to have to wait as they are currently sold out.

The more I think about all the benefits of this deliciousness, I do believe I am going to order a 1,000 cans of this powder formula and put my whole family on it. What better diet plan could there be than a controlled amount of bacon in a drink that indirectly promises to increase your IQ with the very first drink? J.J. would love it! I wouldn't have to cook anymore. Fewer dishes to clean. Life will be great. And think of all the crafts I could do with all the empty formula cans. I am getting giddy over here just thinking about it.

Are you on board as well? Go to their website and sign up for the waiting list. There is also a contest you can enter to win a free lifetime supply of Bacon Baby Formula.

(In the interest of full disclosure, you may want to also go to this link. writes what they discovered about Bacon Baby Formula. Okay, okay, spoiler alert, it is all a joke. A big, fat, bacon-y joke.)

May your day be bacon-licious!


Thursday, May 23, 2013

How To Get Vapor Rub Out Of Hair (in 50 easy steps)

If you are wondering why I would post about how to get vapor rub out of hair, you need to read this.

Caught up? Great!

I thought for sure that vapor rub had won this battle against mommy. I was doomed to letting it slowly wash out on its own or we were just going to have to shave off her hair. Not really. Though I honestly wasn't sure if I could win this one, I was going to give it another go.

This is what her hair looked like this morning, after already being washed 3 different times. Still greasy!

So we grabbed the olive oil.

And we soaked her hair in it.

After soaking her hair in olive oil and squeezing out the excess, we got the dish soap again.

Lathered her hair up and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing with warm water. We repeated this step one more time while she screamed and cried and threw a perfect little fit about getting water in her face. 

And? It worked, mommy won!!!

This is the face of a girl who does not want to have to wash her hair 6 times in 2 days again. Ever.

Look how great her hair looks now! It seriously looks so soft and shiny (not greasy) that I plan on doing the same with my hair. Now where is that vapor rub?

In the middle of one of the dish soap cycles, I asked Sweet Girl if she thought it would work. She said no. Hurt. my. heart. she did. Shouldn't this girl have every confidence in me? She was acting like the other three attempts we made did not work.

If you want to try this at home, start by giving your toddler a jar of vapor rub. If they cannot open jars on their own, open it for them. Now tell them you will have all sorts of fun if they will empty that jar full of vapor rub all over themselves being sure not to miss their head full of hair.

Special thanks to Whitney! Your suggestion rocked!


While I Slept

I think someone broke into our house last night. Scary to think that someone would break in and clean the living room and bathroom and do a load of laundry while I was peacefully asleep in the other room.

What a pleasant surprise it was to wake up this morning and see a cleaned living room and bathroom! Apparently while I slept last night my sweet husband decided to spoil me. He also steam cleaned the floors. How awesome is that!?!

Obviously not a thief, though he did steal my heart! "Awwwww" ;)

Okay, so if you are a normal woman, you've got to know what crossed my mind... 'See, proof that I'm a terrible house keeper! My husband stayed awake at night to clean for me, how terrible is that?!?' 'Seriously, can I not do anything right?' 'He must think I am the laziest woman in the world.' And my favorite, 'Hmmm, I wonder if he will clean the kitchen tonight?'

But I am not going to let my mind stay there, instead I will be grateful to have such a thoughtful and loving husband and I'll enjoy my freshly steamed floors.

Hope your morning has started out as wonderful as mine!

My goals today are to get that vapor rub out of oldest child's hair, love on my sweet girls, and figure out a yummy dinner. Do you have any wonderful plans for your day?


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wash it out!

I "googled" something I never would have thought about looking up until today. 'How to get Vicks Vapor Rub out of hair?'


You may not have known this, vapor rub does not wash out of hair very well at all.

Last night, little girl A is sitting on her bed calling for her mommy. When daddy went to check on her I hear "Honey, you might want to see this!", which I think was followed by "You have a big mess to clean up." Well, I am thinking worst case scenario here, and since she has been potty trained for a year now this was not going to be good for her... or me. I go in there and she is covered in Baby Vicks Vapor Rub. There were big clumps of it all over her clothes, her arms, her hair, her bed, and her hand was still in the jar. (I should have taken a picture!)

So, not worst case, which was good.

Another positive, it cleared up her sinuses...and everyone else's in the house.

We, yes we, he helped even after saying I had a mess to clean up, got the girl cleaned and gave her a bath. Funny thing, her hair just looked like it was never going to dry and when she woke up in the morning it still looked wet. This stuff does not come out of hair!

I tried washing her hair again today, to no avail. Which led me to your friendly neighborhood Google search and a couple websites saying to wash hair in de-greasing dish soap and warm water. Well, why not? Here's hoping this works!

It did not.

Maybe I need to go and buy some Dawn tomorrow, that and baking soda. Baking soda was a suggestion from a friend tonight after Bible class. Hopefully something will work or it will eventually just wash out on its own.

Do you have any ideas, other than Dawn dish soap and baking soda?


For now, sweet girl's hair looks wet and greasy, which is apparently a very 'pullable' look. She was getting her hair pulled by her little sister who looks like she was really quite enjoying it.

Getting it Together

I mentioned in my last post that I needed to get it together, and while recognizing how blessed I am is important, I also really need to fix this mess. I've let my life overwhelm  me and have become utterly disorganized. It is just plain sad how bad it has gotten.

So here I am making an attempt of putting this place we call home into some sort of operating order.

I really just have no idea where to start. Laundry? No, that is just never-ending. Pick up toys? Nah, little girlie will just get them out again. Dust and vacuum? Too much trouble for tables and floors that will just get dirty again. Guess I'll have to hang out with my girls and teach them to be lazy. Okay, seriously now, I think I need a project that will actually show results. Maybe today I will start with cleaning out all the papers we have floating around. Scanner and trash bag, here I come!

Plus the appropriate amount of hang out time cause these girls are too adorable not to hang out with.

Do you have any good organizational ideas for the completely unorganized person? Would love to hear them.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ugh, Life

As I sit here in my dirty tank top and yoga pants, holding a sleeping 4 month old, staring at a living room covered in mess, and envying a friend who does not have kids as I look at her Facebook page, I remind myself that I need to get it together. Maybe you have felt the same way. Your life is consumed with little kids and their messes and their needs and you just feel like you have lost yourself somewhere in all the chaos.

Yes, that's it, I'm lost.

I forget who I am, no, who I was. I am definitely not the same person I was 5 years ago, pre-husband and pre-children, I am completely changed. I remember spending hours fixing my hair or shopping for new pretty clothes for myself, doing what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it. Sure I worked, but I worked to support my own desires. Now? Well, now I'm lucky if I can manage a shower during the day. Even luckier if I can shower and put some mascara on. The best of days? A shower, little bit of makeup, and hair that doesn't look disastrous.

But, really, is that the best of days? No. Not at all. The best of days are the ones where I'm sitting on the couch in my dirty tank top and yoga pants, holding a sleeping 4 month old, staring at a living room covered in mess, and watching Bubble Guppies with my 2 year old. Comparing myself to a friend who seems to have it all because she isn't busy with little children is basically dumb. Yep, dumb. You see, I have it all! I know that even in my worst of times when I feel like pulling my hair out and asking for a straight jacket that I really do have everything there is worth having in this world.

God has blessed me with a loving husband and two beautiful little girls and I cannot imagine ever going back to the person I was before my life changed.

So, I guess "getting it together" really means just remembering how thankful I am for this chaos I'm living in.

Hope your day is equally as chaotic as mine, the good chaos, only the good. :)
