Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Getting it Together

I mentioned in my last post that I needed to get it together, and while recognizing how blessed I am is important, I also really need to fix this mess. I've let my life overwhelm  me and have become utterly disorganized. It is just plain sad how bad it has gotten.

So here I am making an attempt of putting this place we call home into some sort of operating order.

I really just have no idea where to start. Laundry? No, that is just never-ending. Pick up toys? Nah, little girlie will just get them out again. Dust and vacuum? Too much trouble for tables and floors that will just get dirty again. Guess I'll have to hang out with my girls and teach them to be lazy. Okay, seriously now, I think I need a project that will actually show results. Maybe today I will start with cleaning out all the papers we have floating around. Scanner and trash bag, here I come!

Plus the appropriate amount of hang out time cause these girls are too adorable not to hang out with.

Do you have any good organizational ideas for the completely unorganized person? Would love to hear them.



  1. I do! Wait until they're older and can HELP you. Right now, imho, you're doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing. Don't be a hoarder, and don't kick yourself every day for a house that's messy because you're always in it. Somewhere in between those two is a good place. ;-)

  2. Having been in your house slippers before, I'd say falling somewhere between hoarder and stressing yourself every day for what you think your house should look like is a good place to be. Mostly, wait until they're old enough to help you before you worry too much about it. You're exactly where you're supposed to be doing exactly what you're supposed to do. :-)

    1. Oh, Hoarders! Maybe I should watch a few minutes of that to make myself feel better. ;) Thanks, Sandi! You are always an encouragement.

  3. From an older Mom- Trust me- Housework can wait. Children cannot! I too was a 'stay at home mom" and I do not regret one minute of it. Children need us at all stages of their lives. Take time and treasure these little ones. They grow up oh way too fast. Hold them, look at them, remember them, be with them. That's your job right now.
    Mary F.

    1. Thank you, Mary! I appreciate all advice from those who have been where I am now.

  4. Your family needs clean clothes and food. Everything else is optional and can be put off when necessary. Wash the laundry, procure the food, and either do dishes or run with paper plates for awhile--you're in baby survival mode.

    If you accidentally find yourself cleaning stuff, make a point of cleaning things that will stay clean indefinitely; focus on areas the babies can't reach, put excess clutter into a box in the closet if you can and just don't get it out for a while.

    Put the girls' currently-favorite toys into an accessible box. Hide the rest of their toys in the garage or something until the girls get tired of the toys that you've left out, then switch.

    Don't fold toddler laundry. Put it into the drawers if you want, but folding is a waste of time.

    One day when you're ready to make a heroic effort, start a simple 5:00 (or whatever time) cleanup routine with your girls: all of you pick up the living room together, vacuum, then they get some fun reward like tv or a snack or something.

    You're a good mommy. =) One time I took pictures of all the grubbiness around the house in hopes that one day, my teenage children will be shocked and amazed that their Good Housekeeper Mom ever, ever allowed her house to look so nasty. Toddler houses need a big spoonful of grace, because we're growing little souls here and don't have time to mop every week. Or, you know, ever.

    1. My favorite line is definitely "Don't fold toddler laundry. Put it into drawers if you want, but folding is a waste of time." So.True.
      I like the picture idea too, my mom tries to tell me that she had a messy house when we were kids. I just don't believe it. Now if she had taken pictures....
