Tuesday, July 9, 2013

New Beginnings

Come August 1st we will be attempting to make drastic changes around here. So much so that I have the feeling of a new beginning in the air for our family. As I have written about before, I am a mess. I honestly believe the only reason I can keep our children alive is because they cry when hungry. I have absolutely no idea how Fishy Baby the Red manages to stay alive, probably just pure stubbornness. And please, please don't ever buy me a plant, unless you enjoy the thought of a poor plant dying of starvation.

So August 1st will mean eating healthier, menu planning, budget keeping, ummm budget making, better housekeeping, and the official start of homeschooling (agh!). Feel free to join me in my journey of going from chaotic chaos to harmonious harmony. See what I did there? heehee Oh I should probably throw in there a more active lifestyle, you think?

Why August 1st? You ask. Because this month is just beyond crazy busy and I needed a deadline for my procrastination. Mainly the procrastination thing.

In the meantime I intend to start on the smaller aspects of the big picture and, if I think about it, I will attempt to entertain you with all the flops that are certain to happen. Maybe even the occasional success story.

Tomorrow I think I will work on a menu for August. Do you have any *easy* and healthy go-to meals you would like to share with me?



  1. No great insight on meals or recipes, but meal planning is a huge budget saver for sure! Also-yay for homeschooling!! Well have to pick your brain as we're getting ready to start that this fall too!!

    1. I am extremely excited to finally get started with the homeschooling and also really nervous that it will be a huge failure! I am not so excited about the meal planning. :)

    2. Your worst day homeschooling is better than the best day in the hands of strangers. You cannot fail. And, you're a great mom - we all feel the way you do sometimes. :-)

    3. Oh yes, if someone is going to mess with our kids' minds, I want it to be J.J. and me. ;) You all might want to start praying for the girls. lol

  2. The easiest weeks I have is when on Sundays I make a huge pot of spaghetti sauce in the crockpot. Use it for lasagna, pizza, ravioli, spaghetti, Parmesan chicken. Sometimes I make it meatless other times I use Italian pork sausage.

    1. That all sounds so good. I might need you to Facebook me your recipe!
