Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ugh, Life

As I sit here in my dirty tank top and yoga pants, holding a sleeping 4 month old, staring at a living room covered in mess, and envying a friend who does not have kids as I look at her Facebook page, I remind myself that I need to get it together. Maybe you have felt the same way. Your life is consumed with little kids and their messes and their needs and you just feel like you have lost yourself somewhere in all the chaos.

Yes, that's it, I'm lost.

I forget who I am, no, who I was. I am definitely not the same person I was 5 years ago, pre-husband and pre-children, I am completely changed. I remember spending hours fixing my hair or shopping for new pretty clothes for myself, doing what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it. Sure I worked, but I worked to support my own desires. Now? Well, now I'm lucky if I can manage a shower during the day. Even luckier if I can shower and put some mascara on. The best of days? A shower, little bit of makeup, and hair that doesn't look disastrous.

But, really, is that the best of days? No. Not at all. The best of days are the ones where I'm sitting on the couch in my dirty tank top and yoga pants, holding a sleeping 4 month old, staring at a living room covered in mess, and watching Bubble Guppies with my 2 year old. Comparing myself to a friend who seems to have it all because she isn't busy with little children is basically dumb. Yep, dumb. You see, I have it all! I know that even in my worst of times when I feel like pulling my hair out and asking for a straight jacket that I really do have everything there is worth having in this world.

God has blessed me with a loving husband and two beautiful little girls and I cannot imagine ever going back to the person I was before my life changed.

So, I guess "getting it together" really means just remembering how thankful I am for this chaos I'm living in.

Hope your day is equally as chaotic as mine, the good chaos, only the good. :)


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