Well, smart little me saw the riddle and thought "I so got this!" and sent the riddler my answer. I had no intentions of changing my picture because I am too smart to be tricked by some silly riddle. I hit send on my answer and immediately realized I was WRONG. That is hard for me to say, but I got got. So I joined in and changed my picture.
As I was scrolling through my newsfeed last night I was amused by how many people are getting sucked in to this game. At least it is something fun and positive instead of the usual sports and politics that everyone wants to argue about. Well, except, see number 9 below.
If you are one of the few who has not seen the riddle making its rounds, here it is for you:
I got it wrong . . . I agreed to change my profile pic to a giraffe because I got a riddle wrong. Silly riddle! I'm playing along.The Great Giraffe Game!...The deal is I give you a riddle.
You get it right you get to keep your profile pic.
You get it wrong and you change your profile pic to a Giraffe for the next 3 days.
MESSAGE ME ONLY SO YOU DON'T GIVE OUT THE ANSWER. Here is the riddle: 3:00 am, the doorbell rings and you wake up. Unexpected visitors, It's your parents and they are there for breakfast. You have strawberry jam, honey, bread, and cheese. What is the first thing you open?
Remember... message me only. If you get it right I'll post your name here. If you get it wrong change your profile pic. GO!
Now I know you are the curious type and just need to know what I have learned from this silly game. So here goes. :)

Ten Things I Have Learned From the Great Giraffe Game
1. A lot, and I mean a whole bunch, of us are not as smart as we like to think we are.
2. Some people will never play along and feel the need to let you know that they will not play along. Spoil sports.
3. There are some creative pictures of giraffes and cute, adorable ones.
4. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of people can seemingly keep a secret.
5. Then there are those who purposely give away the answer. Again, spoil sports.
6. There is always that person who did not read through all the instructions and will immediately put the answer in a comment. That habit probably started in grade school, just saying.
7. Three days does not necessarily mean three entire days. Says the woman who did not wait an entire 72 hours to change my profile picture to something other than the giraffe of shame.
8. When most of your newsfeed is covered in giraffe profile pictures it is easy to get confused. You may actually have to read profile names. I was surprised that someone I didn't know would mention my name in a comment on a friend's status then I realized it was me, I was that particular giraffe.
9. People will even argue over the answer to a riddle. These may be the same people who seem to live to argue with strangers on the internet.
10. Finally, the answer to the riddle is . . .
Have a wonderfully giraffey day!
Excellent observations! and funny :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Karen! :)