Yes, that is right, bacon flavored baby formula courtesy of J&D's. What could one possibly say against something so delicious being made available for the toothless population of our society? Why would we be so selfish as to keep the yummy flavor of bacon all to ourselves? I am sure that is what was really going on in the minds of the inventors and creators of 'Bacon Baby'. You know that someone who loves bacon enough to make a business out of it would be kind-hearted enough to want to share that goodness with the most precious beings in our care.
Here is an excerpt from J&D's website explaining how they made the formula and the benefits that your baby may gain from their bacon formula:
So we consulted with pediatricians and began to experiment with drying and grinding bacon into a fine powder, then applying a patent-pending process to concentrate this powder into the most essential nutrients and ingredients for brain development. This potential infant superfood was then added to a test subject’s infant formula.
The results were absolutely impressive. By the age of 4 months, our test subject started to exhibit some amazing abilities including walking and talking. By 6 months of age, she could read and memorize her early stage children's books and showed an extreme level of coordination and balance – so much so that she was enrolled in gymnastics and ballet with children 5 years older than she was! At two years old, she read her first 300 page book, memorized the Declaration of Independence and (this is absolutely true) began composing her first symphony. And at three years old, on a secret test track in Beaverton, OR, she ran faster than a baby cheetah. Nike immediately signed her to a (very) long-term endorsement deal.Before I blogged about this I really wanted to try it out on our newest addition. While she is already older than 4 months, I thought with such results if I started her on it now there is no telling what she might accomplish before her 2nd birthday. She could find the cure for all the cancers in the world, if I can just get my hands on this formula! But it looks like we are going to have to wait as they are currently sold out.
The more I think about all the benefits of this deliciousness, I do believe I am going to order a 1,000 cans of this powder formula and put my whole family on it. What better diet plan could there be than a controlled amount of bacon in a drink that indirectly promises to increase your IQ with the very first drink? J.J. would love it! I wouldn't have to cook anymore. Fewer dishes to clean. Life will be great. And think of all the crafts I could do with all the empty formula cans. I am getting giddy over here just thinking about it.
Are you on board as well? Go to their website and sign up for the waiting list. There is also a contest you can enter to win a free lifetime supply of Bacon Baby Formula.
(In the interest of full disclosure, you may want to also go to this link. writes what they discovered about Bacon Baby Formula. Okay, okay, spoiler alert, it is all a joke. A big, fat, bacon-y joke.)
May your day be bacon-licious!
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