I am not sure why it seems so difficult to write regular blog posts. Well, other than the fact that I don't really feel like I have all that much to say. Yet, here I am trying once again to entertain.
Things have been going great for our little family. Sweet Girl is 18 months old and as sweet as ever. Sometimes I wish I could clone her and have about 7 more, then she starts to throw a full body tantrum and I change my mind. Oh yes, the full body fits are fun to deal with and take a lot of skill on the parents' side. Not only are you trying to get your kid to stop the tantrum but you are also trying to keep the kid from hurting his or herself by banging their little heads on the floor/table/bed/wall/tub/concrete/you name it. I'm sure I never caused my mom so much trouble, she must have gotten this trait from her daddy. (I'm joking, of course.) Even despite the crazy Toddler Tantrums she is the most precious thing I've ever seen. Not biased at all here.
The past few weeks she has decided she wants to hug and kiss all.the.time. I love it! Her daddy loves it too. I see such sweetness and innocence in her and I hope she will always be that sweet and innocent.
Sweet Man and I made the decision before we even had little girl that we would homeschool her when the time comes. I have been thinking about it alot lately and trying to do a little research online for different curriculums and resources. It really is overwhelming! Now I most likely will not start anything with her until she is 3 or 4, so I have at least a year and half to get my head wrapped around the enormous responsibility this will be. Obviously, things could always change so it is not 100% definite that we will be homeschooling, but it is what we are planning on. If you have taught your children at home or have ever taken time to research the possibility you'll understand where I'm coming from when I say it is overwhelming. There is just so much information out there to weed through. I think, at least to start, what I need is curriculum that includes everything I would need for a year. Now to find a good one for preschool age. Again, I have a year and a half I just really like to be prepared.
So that is a tidbit of what has been on my mind lately. I hope your life is just as peachy.